Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy 4th birthday JaCee

We had a Strawberry Shortcake party for JaCee's Birthday celebration this year. We had it a couple of weeks ahead of her actual birthday since most of my family is already in town for the big horn show...it made sense to do the party on the same weekend. (Your welcome Dad!) It was a great little party!

I keep seeing these puff balls on pintrest so I decided to try them & I really like how they turned out.

Outside in line waiting to play strawberry toss

Playing games

Eating the good stuff!

Strawberry shortcake "skewers" and plain ole' strawberry shortcake

My babies

A beautiful blanket made by aunt Diane

Morgen checking out the goods after they were opened.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring is on the way?

Where did February go? Matt said to me the other day...you haven't updated your blog for a while. Well...yes, you are right. So apparently February went by so fast....
Here's a re:cap of the month. (in no particular order. same for pictures)

Early February we celebrated a joint birthday part with Matt & his brother in law, Rod. At Monica and Rod's house. The girls always have so much fun playing with the cousins.

We went to Sandpoint to meet my parent's for some lunch and shopping. Since my mom and dad couldn't come to Morgen's birthday party in January, we decided it was time for a quick visit and lunch. Mom and Dad gave Morgen her birthday presents was a nice day for a nice drive.

We got some snow. Ugh! But, the girls love when it snow...that means play time outside with Daddy & they get HOT chocolate when they come inside.

I joined/started getting a bountiful basket this month. It's awesome! Fresh produce for the week for a small fee. I've done 3 basket's so far & I have loved every one of them. Until we get our garden going...hopefully in a few months, we'll order this yummy produce.

We bought a new Mini.Van. Ha. I am a mini.van mom now. I love it already. I have been trying to convince Matt why we need one for a while now...but it took me some time. We bought one last weekend.

I broke a tooth off. And had to have a crown done. That was a week ago & my tooth is still throbbing. It broke so low they had to laser off part of my gums and that is what is hurting so bad still. Ugh. I can't even say how much I hate the dentist!

Both girls have colds again. I think every little kid I am around has a cough or cold. Morgen's is getting better & is almost gone...JaCee's isn't. I'm hoping it doesn't go into another ear infection.
**Either January or February or both ---- both girls had an ear infection. 2 weeks apart. Morgen's was hardest because she couldn't tell me what was wrong. But luckily JaCee is old enough now, she said - mom --- my ear hurts. They both went on anti.biotics. Both hate it. And both will only take it if I put hershey's syrup with the medicine.

I registered JaCee for Pre.School again next year. I had a sad moment last week, laying in bed ---- remembering Matt & I discussing JaCee going to kindergarten, what school, would I be home or not...and remember us saying 5 years is a long way's away. We have time to figure all this out. Now ---- I year from last Monday I will be in line with the other Mom's registering her for Kindergarten. They aren't kidding when they say time goes fast ----- but I can't be more grateful that I am home with the girls! Time does go so fast, but I am here for every minute of it. I know a lot of my friends do not have that option.
I put our portable heater in our garage for a few hours one day, then bucketed out warm water from inside to fill up the pool and let the girls put on their swimsuits and play. They LOVED it!

My parent's came to visit for the weekend, about mid - February. Mom and I shopped, a lot. They guys were great ---- and watched the kids most of the time.

Valentines day was a couple day's after mom & dad left. Matt and my dad brought home Mom & I roses the weekend they were here. Since Matt & I have dated, we BBQ salmon and have asparagus, and a special dessert for Valentines Day.  I did get the girls Valentines Day basket's and a "Fort" you buy to set up and decorate. My mom got both girls matching V.day shirts. They looked so cute and I have no clue why I did not take one single picture for Valentines Day. Ugh.

So that is all I can remember about February. We are a week into March, and the sun is shinning and we've had some really nice day's so far. My daffodils are up & think it's totally spring. I can't wait for things to start blooming!

Shoveling snow & playing with daddy
Dad - I am ready to go play in the snow!
Daddy's birthday party

Opening birthday presents from grandma and grandpa!

Swimming in the garage

My bountiful basket